AM-340 Bobath Treatment Table is a design that combines strength, comfort, and style. The three section top offers full section mobility as well as full height adjustment, so the patient can be properly positioned for maximum treatment results with minimal effort required of the clinician.
AM-340 - 3 Section
AM-1036 - Add Base with 4 Total Lock Swivel Casters
AM-1062- Add Base with 4 Casters and 6” Clearance (Adds 4”)
AM-18 - Face Cutout
AM-91 - Add 1” Extra Soft Foam
AM-807 - Rail Side Fold Down (Pair)
19859 - Add-on Belt & Brackets
SPCO - Special Vinyl Color (Provided by Customer)
12088 - Side Panel 9 x 33.25 Perforated
12075 - Side Panel 9 x 33.25 Flat
SPBASE - Special Base Color (Select Custom Base Color)
AM-340 - 3 Section
AM-1036 - Add Base with 4 Total Lock Swivel Casters
AM-1062- Add Base with 4 Casters and 6” Clearance (Adds 4”)
AM-18 - Face Cutout
AM-91 - Add 1” Extra Soft Foam
AM-807 - Rail Side Fold Down (Pair)
19859 - Add-on Belt & Brackets
SPCO - Special Vinyl Color (Provided by Customer)
12088 - Side Panel 9 x 33.25 Perforated
12075 - Side Panel 9 x 33.25 Flat
SPBASE - Special Base Color (Select Custom Base Color)
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If you need assistance with an order or have an idea, question, or comment, let us know. Please call us at 1.800.743.7738 or email us.
Toll Free: 800.743.7738
Phone: 605.753.0110
Armedica by Pivotal Health Solutions
212 Bell Road
Greenwood, AR 72936